My customers have recently started getting the "Your password link has expired." message upon clicking the reset link in their email.

The settings are correct, I have expiration links set to expire after an hour. I recently updated to, however I'm unsure if this started then or after I opened a new website for my shop and started sharing customers globally. It was only reported to me recently, after upgrading though.

I'm logging exceptions, as suggested here: Password reset link not working showing expired

I get this:

2018-12-19T22:00:34+00:00 DEBUG (7): Mage_Core_Exception Object
    [_messages:protected] => Array

[message:protected] => Invalid password reset token.
[string:Exception:private] => 
[code:protected] => 0
[file:protected] => /home/website/public_html/app/Mage.php
[line:protected] => 583
[trace:Exception:private] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [file] => /home/website/public_html/app/code/local/Mage/Customer/controllers/AccountController.php
                [line] => 902
                [function] => exception
                [class] => Mage
                [type] => ::
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => Mage_Core
                        [1] => Invalid password reset token.


        [1] => Array
                [file] => /home/website/public_html/app/code/local/Mage/Customer/controllers/AccountController.php
                [line] => 813
                [function] => _validateResetPasswordLinkToken
                [class] => Mage_Customer_AccountController
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => 0
                        [1] => 732a0a17e38c2a2f28b65267301f09e7


        [2] => Array
                [file] => /home/website/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Action.php
                [line] => 418
                [function] => resetPasswordAction
                [class] => Mage_Customer_AccountController
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array


        [3] => Array
                [file] => /home/website/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Router/Standard.php
                [line] => 254
                [function] => dispatch
                [class] => Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => resetpassword


        [4] => Array
                [file] => /home/website/public_html/app/code/community/Folio3/MaintenanceMode/Controller/Router/Standard.php
                [line] => 43
                [function] => match
                [class] => Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Standard
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http Object
                                [_originalPathInfo:protected] => /customer/account/resetpassword/
                                [_storeCode:protected] => default
                                [_requestString:protected] => /customer/account/resetpassword/
                                [_rewritedPathInfo:protected] => 
                                [_requestedRouteName:protected] => 
                                [_routingInfo:protected] => Array

                                [_route:protected] => customer
                                [_directFrontNames:protected] => Array
                                        [api] => 

                                [_controllerModule:protected] => Diglin_Username
                                [_isStraight:protected] => 
                                [_beforeForwardInfo:protected] => Array

                                [_internallyForwarded:protected] => 
                                [_paramSources:protected] => Array
                                        [0] => _GET
                                        [1] => _POST

                                [_requestUri:protected] => /customer/account/resetpassword/\?token=732a0a17e38c2a2f28b65267301f09e7
                                [_baseUrl:protected] => 
                                [_basePath:protected] => 
                                [_pathInfo:protected] => /customer/account/resetpassword/
                                [_params:protected] => Array

                                [_rawBody:protected] => 
                                [_aliases:protected] => Array

                                [_dispatched:protected] => 1
                                [_module:protected] => customer
                                [_moduleKey:protected] => module
                                [_controller:protected] => account
                                [_controllerKey:protected] => controller
                                [_action:protected] => resetpassword
                                [_actionKey:protected] => action



        [5] => Array
                [file] => /home/website/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Front.php
                [line] => 172
                [function] => match
                [class] => Folio3_MaintenanceMode_Controller_Router_Standard
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http Object
                                [_originalPathInfo:protected] => /customer/account/resetpassword/
                                [_storeCode:protected] => default
                                [_requestString:protected] => /customer/account/resetpassword/
                                [_rewritedPathInfo:protected] => 
                                [_requestedRouteName:protected] => 
                                [_routingInfo:protected] => Array

                                [_route:protected] => customer
                                [_directFrontNames:protected] => Array
                                        [api] => 

                                [_controllerModule:protected] => Diglin_Username
                                [_isStraight:protected] => 
                                [_beforeForwardInfo:protected] => Array

                                [_internallyForwarded:protected] => 
                                [_paramSources:protected] => Array
                                        [0] => _GET
                                        [1] => _POST

                                [_requestUri:protected] => /customer/account/resetpassword/\?token=732a0a17e38c2a2f28b65267301f09e7
                                [_baseUrl:protected] => 
                                [_basePath:protected] => 
                                [_pathInfo:protected] => /customer/account/resetpassword/
                                [_params:protected] => Array

                                [_rawBody:protected] => 
                                [_aliases:protected] => Array

                                [_dispatched:protected] => 1
                                [_module:protected] => customer
                                [_moduleKey:protected] => module
                                [_controller:protected] => account
                                [_controllerKey:protected] => controller
                                [_action:protected] => resetpassword
                                [_actionKey:protected] => action



        [6] => Array
                [file] => /home/website/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/App.php
                [line] => 365
                [function] => dispatch
                [class] => Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Front
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array


        [7] => Array
                [file] => /home/website/public_html/app/Mage.php
                [line] => 687
                [function] => run
                [class] => Mage_Core_Model_App
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [scope_code] => base
                                [scope_type] => website
                                [options] => Array




        [8] => Array
                [file] => /home/website/public_html/index.php
                [line] => 97
                [function] => run
                [class] => Mage
                [type] => ::
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => base
                        [1] => website



[previous:Exception:private] => 


I'm not getting any other errors in exception.log that have to do with it.

Update 1/2/2019 After finding some time to come back to this issue, I've found that the customer ID isn't being added to the reset URL. I think this issue may have started around when I opened up a second store/website, however, I do in fact have customers shared globally.

I've done some additional testing and can confirm that the ID is being successfully grabbed from the form post. So the issue is that it's not being passed to the URL given in the email.

What the email password reset link looks like: www.example.net/customer/account/resetpassword/?token=3f042b9d36e64ea135d778cd5c7eed64

clearly missing the id=xxx?

1 Answer 1


So after viewing the email template, it turns out it was the culprit but I don't really know why. I mean, I know why, but I don't understand why it only just now broke.

Original code:

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="action-button" >
              <a href="{{store url="customer/account/resetpassword/" _query_id=$customer.id _query_token=$customer.rp_token}}"><span>Reset Password</span></a>

Fixed code:

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="action-button" >
              <a href='{{store url="customer/account/resetpassword/" _query_id=$customer.id _query_token=$customer.rp_token}}'><span>Reset Password</span></a>

The nested quotations were causing the issue, so I simply changed the outside double quotations to single quotations.

  • Still my error continues, may i know is there any issue related with reset password error? @taskle
    – Gem
    Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 10:00
  • I haven’t had any issues since I fixed the email template. Have you checked for errors and made sure the tokens are being correctly passed from the form? @Gem
    – taskle
    Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 11:16
  • For me, the reset password mail send to customer mail,, if click reset password link the page shows your link expired, any idea about this error? @taskle
    – Gem
    Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 11:31
  • That’s what was happening for me as well. Test the reset yourself and check the URL of the link contained in the reset email. Make sure it contains the customer ID, as well as the token.
    – taskle
    Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 12:15
  • Yes, mail reset link contains id and token,, id=12&token=94ae10098fb93f20feff8cb66c72d355, what i need to do in next level @taskle
    – Gem
    Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 12:33

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