After enabling the merge_files and js_bundling options in Magento, the Stripe Express Checkout button no longer appears. Additionally, the debugger is not being triggered, and the StripeIntegration_Payments/js script is not loading in my browser. However, when I disable the merge_files and js_bundling options, everything functions as expected.

 require(['domReady!', 'StripeIntegration_Payments/js/stripe_payments_express', 'Magento_Customer/js/customer-data'], function(domReady, stripeExpress, customerData) {
  • Check or try to exclude stripe js from bundling or merging: magento.stackexchange.com/questions/145345/… magento.stackexchange.com/questions/367673/… Commented Nov 7 at 4:44
  • I have already tried these solutions. Specifically, I added a view.xml file in the etc folder under {Magento root}/app/design/frontend/MyCompany/MyWebsite/etc/view.xml, but there were no changes. I also ran setup:upgrade, compile, deploy, cache:clean, and restarted the server, but the issue persists. The Stripe module is still bundled in the default.min.js file. The xml file contain below code. <exclude><item type="file">StripeIntegration_Payments::js/stripe_payments_express.js</item> <item type="directory">StripeIntegration_Payments::js</item> </exclude>
    – Arul
    Commented Nov 7 at 10:34


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