I am trying to set up one Magento version 2.4.3-p1 project in my local environment. After setting up project, all pages are redirected to https URL. I have set the following DB entries in the core_config_data
- web/unsecure/base_url, web/secure/base_url, web/unsecure/base_link_url, web/secure/base_link_url = http://local.test.com/
- web/secure/use_in_frontend = 0
- web/secure/use_in_adminhtml = 0
- web/cookie/cookie_domain = NULL
- web/cookie/cookie_httponly = 0
I have checked both magento_root/.htaccess and magento_root/pub/.htaccess files, but there's nothing found related to https redirection.
Please, anyone, let me know what settings I need to do to stop HTTP to HTTPS redirection. Thanks in anticipation.