I am Patrick and a super beginner. my Magento2 admin page shows a 404 error(whoops, our bad...).
windows 10, xampp 3.2.4, php 7.3.27, magento 2.4.2., phpmyadmin.
and I changed apache port 80 to 8888, 443 to 8889. I put localhost:8888 of course.
I installed it with the sample successfully.
and I put '/pub/' in my domain using my DB table core_config_data(web/unsecure/base_url). Before I did
it, every page was a 404 error. Thanks to '/pub/', I could have saved a first sample page. Only the first page.(localhost:8888/mymagentoname/pub/ - It shows the first page well.)
But when I try to enter the admin page or others (ex. gear - bag) show me a 404 error.
domain/Index.php also makes a 404 error.
that lists are what I've done to resolve the 404 error,
- Cache clean and flush(cmd)
- Reindex(cmd)
- deploy -f(cmd)
- Check admin URL again(env.php)
- AllowOverride All(httpd.conf)
Whatever you comment, it would be helping me. Thank you.