I am a beginner in Magento. When i was trying to install "Magento-CE-2.0.0+Samples-2015-11-17-06-11-18.zip" on my local server using Wamp,it first gets stuck at 90%, after quite a while, it shows "Success" but at the end of the page it shows the following error-
"Something went wrong while installing sample data. Please check var/log/system.log for details. You can retry installing the data now or just start using Magento"
I checked the "var/log/system.log" and there is this message-
[2015-12-21 09:42:48] main.ERROR: Sample Data error: Warning: IntlDateFormatter::parse(): Date parsing failed in C:\wamp\www\Magento\vendor\magento\framework\Stdlib\DateTime\Timezone.php on line 166 [] []
when i click at the button "Launch Magento Admin" which is situated at the bottom of the page, i get this error
What can i do to solve this problem?
I have already posted it on "Stack Overflow" because i didn't know this forum exists. There is no answer on "Stack Overflow" so i have posted it here again.