I created a new installation of a Magento 2.3.5-p2 and I want to use or get the data from a database that were used in a Magento 2.2 installation. I corrected the type from some tables that could not be enum that's fine but then this appears when I run setup:upgrade
Notice: Undefined index: CUST_pecustomer_entity in /var/www/webroot/ROOT/vendor/magento/framework/Setup/Declaration/Schema/Db/SchemaBuilder.php on line 152
And idk what to do, it doesn't seem to be an old extension problem that's a core table that's why I'm kinda lost here. I checked in app/etc/config.php and the search is already at 'Magento_Search' => 1 and searched database for any references to CUST_pecustomer_entity but no luck. Any solution for this?
Thanks :D