Some images are missing in products, and I have tried running bin/magento catalog:images:resize
like this:
php -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=86400 bin/magento catalog:images:resize
after some time command returned this error:
3241/5308 [=================>----------] 61% 16 mins 52.0 MiB | /import/media/catalog/product/4/t/4tu60ear_.jpgimage pages are not coalesced `/usr/www/users/xxxxx/pub/media/catalog/product/import/media/catalog/product/4/t/4tu60ear_1.png' @ error/layer.c/OptimizeLayerFrames/1027
I have checked and files exist in their locations and can be opened in the browser.
- Is the error above related to the fact that some product images are missing
- What would be a solution for the error - or at least - what to do?
Digging more, I found out that I have images of the same filename, but different extensions.
So I deleted .png
files and tried my command for resizing again. This time it went further until it reached the same batch of the same filename/different extension.