Magento 2.3.4 run image resize command give error images are not same size domain/pub/media/catalog/product/m/e/megilbert.gif @ error/layer.c/OptimizeLayerFrames/1023
1 Answer
I was also getting this error
1953/28251 [>] 6% 42 mins 74.0 MiB | /4/6/460S-11-PDM-I_1.jpg images are not the same size `/data/media/catalog/product/4/6/460S-11-PDM-SI_1.gif' @ error/layer.c/OptimizeLayerFrames/1023
I deleted the /data/media/catalog/product/4/6/460S-11-PDM-SI_1.gif image and restarted the image generation and it worked for me.