I want to send different transnational mail template for admin and customer. I know Magento gives the functionality for the CC transactional mail template. But in my case I want a different mail template for the administrator. So i want to create the functionality for the different mail template for the customer and admin after placing the order.
1 Answer
You may try pre-made extensions like:
- https://www.hiddentechies.com/new-order-notification-magento-2.html (Free)
- https://codecanyon.net/item/magento-2-new-order-notification/19237122 (Paid)
or you can create a simple module, in which you may make use of observer or plugin feature of Magento 2 and write custom code to send additional email with your own template to the admin user.
Update: Modifications needed in some files as requested by @AkashPatel
File: app/code/Hiddentechies/Neworder/Observer/NewOrder.php
You can see that in the execute function, there are only admin_subject and cur_order_id are being passed as vars.
$vars = [
'admin_subject' => $subject,
'cur_order_id' => "#".$orderIncId,
You need to get more data in the observer function and pass it to the $vars array. Then you would need to get and show those vars in the following file.
Please let me know if it helped.
I have installed extension it's working for simple mail template but when i load new order template its not working.Please see the screen shot. awesomescreenshot.com/image/3416086/…– skyCommented Jun 13, 2018 at 9:47
Sorry, I could not understand. Can you please explain a bit more about your problem? Commented Jun 13, 2018 at 9:49
Generally if we want to add custom template for suppose new order functionality then we customize it and assign it from admin side. so i follow the same procedure. My Client requirement is he wants two different mail for customer order and merchant order confirmation. So i have installed one extension which you gave me. What i do is create a copy of sales order template in my custom template and assign it from admin. but when i place order in my mail(merchent mail) only get static data i dont get any dynamic data like "Billing Address and all" as per screen shot.– skyCommented Jun 13, 2018 at 10:00
@AkashPatel, Since the module is available free, it has limited features. You need to modify some functionality. Please check my updated answer. Commented Jun 13, 2018 at 10:13
1How to pass the order item table (order review table) in the $var array? sales_email_order_item does not work if i put this code directly in the mail template. Commented Jun 13, 2018 at 11:32