I recently checked the magento site i am working on. And was presented with this gigantic error message from magento.


The only task which was performed before this error appeared was a re-index from the cli. The admin panel is still accessible but i am unsure what is causing this error.

  • Looks like whoever is the creator of the Bizkick module is creating quite a few invalid or misplaced elements in some layout xml file. Can you post the contents of the files that contain "bizkick" elements? Commented May 29, 2018 at 23:40
  • The wierd thing is, the site has been fully functional using a bizkick theme for a few months now. Its only suddenly decided to do this. Commented May 30, 2018 at 8:06

1 Answer 1


Solution: Went into the themes files under /app/design/frontend/ParentTheme/ChildTheme/* Located layout xml files, and wherever there are occurences such as:

as="Bizkick Above" replaced with as="Bizkick_Above"

This is because spaces are not allowed in the theme files.

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