I mean when i can use var_dump() and mage::log().

I have some idea about log. if we enable log settings and for example if we use mage::log($obj).it will print $obj information in system.log file.

where as var_dump() print direclty in browser.

Please comment if i'm anything wrong.

  • 1
    No one mentioned this,but I don't feel it deserves its own answer...var_dump() can cause "Headers already sent" exceptions in some cases, so be careful with using that. Commented Jun 6, 2014 at 16:48

6 Answers 6


var_dump() shows the information in your browser. Mage::log() echos information to your system.log file (var/log/system.log).

To use Mage::log(), you need to enable logging in the backend: System > Configuration > Developer -> Log Settings -> Enabled > Set to "Yes".

Furthermore you can force logging using the forth parameter of Mage::log() set to true: Mage::log($foo,null,'system.log',true);

According to the function in Mage.php: public static function log($message, $level = null, $file = '', $forceLog = false)

Mage::log() will be especially useful if you do not see the output in your browser (debugging SOAP API requests, AJAX requests,...).


You are right.

var_dump() will print in your browser, so it can only be used when you debug locally.

In contrast, Mage::log() prints to a log file. So you can use Mage::log() even on production systems, since you can view the output "hidden" from the user.


output buffering:

ob_start(); var_dump($object_var_array); $dump= ob_get_clean(); Mage::log( "**dumping: {$dump}", null, 'mydumped.log' );

I use this when I need to find something on a live site and do not want to be printing a bunch of garbage to the screen. I would not leave it on for all time, just for testing..


I'm finding another advantage of mage::log() over var_dump().

for example saveBillingAction() method in onepagecontroller.php

      $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost('billing', array());
            Mage::log($data);//it's  working perfectly
var_dump($data);//its not working.(i don't know exact reason.i think ajax calls)

If you want to log variable information, you can use Mage::log(print_r($var, true)) as well.

Also, you can specify your own log files in Mage::log. Generally when I'm debugging I output to a log file specific to the module. Mage::log('Something', null, 'mylog.log')


var_dump / print_r can only provide reasonably meaningful/trackable information when you work on templates. It'll royally screw up forwarding however and Magento uses that extensively.

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