My Magento log is filling up with inlcusions of JS and CSS files (400 mb in couple of days) - what can this be?

I don't recall putting in any debug statements ...

Quite annoying

Where to start looking (Magento 1.8.1)

2014-05-30T19:03:36+00:00 DEBUG (7): scriptaculous/slider.js
2014-05-30T19:03:36+00:00 DEBUG (7): Array

2014-05-30T19:03:36+00:00 DEBUG (7): varien/js.js
2014-05-30T19:03:36+00:00 DEBUG (7): Array

2014-05-30T19:03:36+00:00 DEBUG (7): varien/form.js
2014-05-30T19:03:36+00:00 DEBUG (7): Array

2014-05-30T19:03:36+00:00 DEBUG (7): mage/translate.js
2014-05-30T19:03:36+00:00 DEBUG (7): Array

2014-05-30T19:03:36+00:00 DEBUG (7): mage/cookies.js
2014-05-30T19:03:36+00:00 DEBUG (7): Array

1 Answer 1


You could throw a mageDebugBacktrace() into Mage.php's log function to see what is calling Mage::log. Wouldn't recommend it in a live environment, though.


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