We have an existing module that contains a composer.json file which is working well on its own but we are also wanting to set-up travis-ci with this extension.

When the travis-ci runs it fails with the error.

magento root dir "" is not valid

I think this error is happening because we are actually using the extension's composer.json file rather than a clean composer.json file for a Magento instance.

Does anyone know how the travis.yml file should be set-up for an extension? Does anyone have an extension that is successfully being tested via travis-ci that I could use as an example?

Our extension: https://github.com/sitewards/B2BProfessional

Another broken example: https://github.com/magento-hackathon/FrontendMonitoring

1 Answer 1


So it appears that you need to do one of the following:

  1. Add a magento-root-dir into your composer.json for the magento module. This will only be used when in project context and not for a single module,
  2. Update the .travis.yml so that it creates its own composer.json and adds all the modules required,

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