I have developed Magento extension that I want to upload on Magento marketplace.
I have gone through the process how it works explained Here: https://magento.com/blog/magento-news/magento-connect-moving-marketplace
Does marketplace allow to submit domain-specific modules? I want to upload domain specific license key for my extension which I can do from my side but if I want to submit the same extension to marketplace then Magento will consider my extension?
Do they allow to submit the Domain-based license extension?
I have developed API based extension for which I need to set domain access in my API. if I remove domain specific then how can I be sure who has purchased my extension and to which domain I need to give access?
Need suggestion what could be the solution for it.
1 Answer
Magento Marketplace have they own license mechanism for paid extensions, it all done by Composer authorisation Public Access Key and Private Access Keys. At this moment there is no domain control, so if someone purchase your extension - he can use it on multiple domains.
More details about install extension from Marketplace - http://docs.magento.com/marketplace/user_guide/quick-tour/install-extension.html
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