How do we change a customer's email programatically in Magento 2?

  • Let me know if you have any issue Commented Oct 2, 2017 at 4:54

1 Answer 1


Use \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface to change customer information.

protected $_customerRepositoryInterface;

public function __construct ( 
    \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepositoryInterface
) {
    $this->_customerRepositoryInterface = $customerRepositoryInterface;

public function changeCustomerInfo()
    $customerId = '1'; // customer ID
    $customer = $this->_customerRepositoryInterface->getById($customerId);
    $customer->setEmail("[email protected]");  //set customer email
    $customer->setFirstname("First Name"); //set customer First Name
    $customer->setLastname("Last name"); // set customer Last Name

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