I want to display Magento custom variable from the Admin configurations, so when I add the calling inside my custom configurations it didn't get the value of it, you can see the below example:

        <bank_sms translate="label">
            <label>Bank Orders Ensure Message</label>
                <active_banksms translate="label">
                    <label>Enable Bank Orders SMS</label>
                    <label>Bank Orders SMS</label>

enter image description here

After I echo the configurations, it give me the same content in it (Your order {{customVar code=verifyOrder}}). So is there a way to print the value of the customVar tag?

1 Answer 1


for custom variable customvarDirective is used.

Try below code

$helper = Mage::helper('cms');
$processor = $helper->getPageTemplateProcessor();
$html = $processor->filter(<Pass Your Config message_bank>);

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