I have just entered into the world of e-commerce, and I am trying to get my Magento website up and running.
I am using AWS cloud for hosting my website. I am trying to use an architecture, where I can run multiple servers connected to a single DB server. Specifically, I want to use an AWS Auto scaling group along with ELB to start multiple EC2 instances, during high load. There is only one Mutli AZ RDS Database instance.
As initial trials, I tried creating 2 ec2 instances, and installed magento on both of them. I have used same RDS DB for both of them. But as is turns out, magento stores the base url of webserver in the database itself. Which means, I can only store one base url of magento website running one particular server.
To be precise magento stores base url in table core_config_data in column 'path' where row values ares "web/unsecure/base_url" and "web/secure/base_url", and the column 'value' for corresponding row specifies the url address of magento installed web server. My question is how can I use multiple server using EC2 auto scaling, if magento permits only one server address in the base url.
Here's a partial view of the table with 2 rows -
config_id scope scope_id path value
5 default 0 web/unsecure/base_url http://server1.com/magento/
6 default 0 web/secure/base_url http://server1.com/magento/
Are there any other known methods to somehow use horizontal scaling during heavy load conditions in Magento.