I'm already logged in the frontend of my website.

Then I go to Admin -> Customers -> Edit My Customer & Click on Force Sign-In

It gives below error

This customer has no tokens.

The user should be logged out from the frontend. Correct?


Required to use https://marketplace.magento.com/bitexpert-magento2-force-customer-login.html ?

Does it relates to oAuth?


1 Answer 1


Had the same question while reading Magento User Guide when first saw this button. And here is the answer from the guide:

"Revokes the OAuth access tokens that are associated with the customer account. This can be used only with customer accounts that have been assigned OAuth tokens as part of a Web API integration. To learn more, see: OAuth-based authenication.

Standard customer accounts created from the storefront or from the Admin do not have OAuth tokens."

Hope this helps.


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