I found Rajeev K Tomy's answer to this stackexchange question (Add Cross sell block on product page) very helpful to add a cross-sell block to my product page.

After implementing the solution, however, the cross-sell products on my product page do not load their thumbnail image, title, or price correctly. Instead, the magento placeholder thumbnail loads, the title is absent, and the price displays $0.00.

Interestingly, clicking on the thumbnail redirects to the proper cross-sell product page and the add-to-cart button also preserves functionality. Furthermore, if I add the original product to the cart, my shopping cart's cross-sell block displays with the proper images,titles, and prices.

Tracking the problem down to crossell.phtml:


Why does some of the php (such as the following from crossell.phtml) not work when it is applied to the product page?

<img src="<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_item, 'thumbnail')->resize(210); ?>" </img>

<h3 class="product-name"><a href="<?php echo $_item->getProductUrl() ?>"><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($_item->getName()) ?></a></h3>

<?php echo $this->getPriceHtml($_item, true) ?>

Any ideas how to resolve this problem?

1 Answer 1


I was able to gain the functionality that was missing by incorporating part of another stackexchange question (Cross-sell product is not showing in the product detail page) to the original solution I used (Add Cross sell block on product page).

Specifically, edit this file as follows: app\code\community\Rkt\CrossSell\Block\Catalog\Product\View\Crosssell.php

 * Get crosssell items
 * @return array
public function getItems()
    $items = $this->getData('items');
    if (is_null($items)) {
        $items = $this->getProduct()->getCrossSellProductCollection()
        $this->setData('items', $items);
    return $items;

Hope this helps anyone who runs into the same problem I had.

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