We want to give discount at the Cross Sell pop-up when customer does an Add to Cart in the PDP page. The cross sell pop should show discount amount and should be applied to the cart.

Rule would be:

  • If the main product being added to cart has a value >= $29.99 then all the items in the cross sell are 50% off

  • If the main product being added to cart has a value < $29.99 then all the items in the cross sell are 25% off

Can you please tell me how we can achieve this.? Note: I am using Magento EE1.14.2.3


1 Answer 1


You need to create a "Shopping Cart Rule" in Conditions Add subtotal >= $29.99, After that in Actions set "Apply only" apply on items matching to your cross-sell item.

Note : It will only be shown when added to the cart.

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