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nosnevetzy's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 2 months
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Custom Magento module config.xml not loading after applying security patch
@MohitKumarArora then what should I do? :( I rename app/code/local/Mage folder so that it will not overwrite the core files which has the updated files since I just applied the security patches but still 404 error.
Custom Magento module config.xml not loading after applying security patch
@MohitKumarArora I already did your suggestion but I didn't see any errors related to my module. Does it mean even my Custom_Product.xml is not loading? But when I go to Configuration > Advanced, I can see it from the list. Nothing happened though even if I enable or disable it.
Custom Magento module config.xml not loading after applying security patch
There's no entry on the core_resource because I didn't use any SQL on this module. Also, we installed all the patches required for the Magento Here's the list. Thank you!
How to display ONLY products which associated products are in stock with custom collection
I was just trying to display the products on the homepage. This is the result when I tried your suggested code. . You can see that the configurable product is still there. It should be removed since there are NO IN STOCK associated products on it. Please help. Thanks!
How to display ONLY products which associated products are in stock with custom collection
Hello! Thanks for the suggestion and I tried it but it didn't work. The configurable product with OUT OF STOCK associate products is still there. When I click the configurable product, this is the result.
How to display Configurable/Color Swatches in Homepage Magento 1.9.1
still no luck. :( That's strange since it will call the list.phtml right? It should get its childhtml(name.after) and (name) but it didn't. The layered navigation and sort by displayed on my homepage but not the color swatches when I applied your code above.
How to display Configurable/Color Swatches in Homepage Magento 1.9.1
@ Murtuza Zabuawala Thanks for the response! But still the configurable swatches did not appear. I already cleared the cache, compiled the whole magento but I didn't get any changes. Please if you have other solutions I would be glad. Please help me. I've been searched on the internet over weeks but I still can't find the solution for this. Thanks a lot!
How to display Configurable/Color Swatches in Homepage Magento 1.9.1
Hello @Murtuza Zabuawala. Thanks for your response. I tried your suggestion but unfortunately, it doesn't work. I already cleared and deleted my cache but the configurable swatches on my homepage still didn't appear. I view the source code of the page and the two js <action method="addItem"><type>skin_js</type><name>js/configurablesw‌​atches/product-media‌​.js</name></action> <action method="addItem"><type>skin_js</type><name>js/configurablesw‌​atches/swatches-list‌​.js</name></action> appears on the head of my page. The XML works but I don't know why it didn't show.
How to display Configurable/Color Swatches in Homepage Magento 1.9.1
@ B00MER thanks for the suggestion but I'm already using RWD theme which configurable swatches are compatible. I just want to display those color swatches not only on the product list but also on my homepage since I have some of my products there.