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unable to set store ID in place order REST API - Magento2

There is no option to set store ID in place order API: rest/default/V1/carts/1/order Payload has below data only: { "paymentMethod": { "method": "banktransfer" }, "...
Gaurav Sharma's user avatar
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Magento 2 rest api get params returns empty array

Magento 2 rest api get params returns empty array can any one tell me where I am going wrong. i/p: in postman body => raw => json { "orderids":[1,2,3] } (or) { "orderids":"1" } (or) ...
Nagendra Kodi's user avatar
2 votes
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How to Manage API Authentication Lifecycle on Mobile Devices? Magento2

Every hour regeneration of token and after that login again every hour is not logical for Mobile Application. Then how Magento manages user login data and authentication in Mobile application,...
Aditya Shah's user avatar
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Magento 2 Tier Price using API

it looks like is not possible to use "Tier Price" when creating an order with API in Magento 2.x Can you confirm that? Is there a solution to create an order and get the price based on tier price ...
user2478262's user avatar
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How to register customer in magento 2 with Address data using API?

Register customer in Magento 2 with Address data using API I am able to register customer without Address Data.
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Orders Api Error : "Request does not match any route"

In my Magento 1.9, I need to access orders by calling API: http://somesiteUrl/api/rest/orders but the response is 404 with error: {"messages":{"error":[{"code":404,"message":"Request does not match ...
Adnan's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Unable to create product on magento 2 store using rest api

{message: "Consumer is not authorized to access %resources",…} message : "Consumer is not authorized to access %resources" parameters : {resources: "Magento_Catalog::products"} resources : "...
Sagar Patel's user avatar
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Magento 2 REST API Order Management

I am using Magento 2 and want to manage orders using REST API from a third party portal. I am facing two problems: Paypal orders when placed go to status of Complete instead of Processing and then i ...
Umer's user avatar
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Magento2 Push notification for IOS and Android

I am creating a native app for my magento2 store, Want to create facility of Mobile notification for different module (default and custom), I have certificate for IOS that will be use regarding this. ...
Yogita's user avatar
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How to upload category image via REST API

Using swagger I am not seeing any interface out of the box that would allow me to upload category images via API calls, in the same fashion as I can do with product images by base_64 encoding them. ...
Timik's user avatar
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Magento\Sales resource could not access by customer token

Return order details in REST API Magento-2.2 get below error when tried to access using customer token, But it is working with admin token in salesOrderRepositoryV1 vendor_name/module_name/model/...
Gnanasekaran Loganathan's user avatar
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401 Unauthorized for accessing customer api

I was able to get the admin token using the below url against the created admin user http://username:[email protected]/index.php/rest/V1/integration/admin/token The username and password is for ...
JN_newbie's user avatar
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Getting "oauth_problem=Consumer+key+has+expired" Error in Magento 2 Auth 1.0

I am getting "oauth_problem=Consumer+key+has+expired" auth 1.0 in Magento2. Please see below screenshot: Anyone solved this, please help!
Chandra Kumar's user avatar
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Magento 2.2.2 REST API - I need to change the customer password using REST API

Magento rest API - I need to change the customer password using REST API. In POSTMAN application url action :: PUT And i passed ...
Aditya Shah's user avatar
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Magento 2 rest API - How to Manage API Authentication Lifecycle on Mobile Devices Application?

In Magento [2.2.4] web API when I pass username and password then it generates token for that specific customer (Which is only valid for 1 hour - it is configurable from Magento admin) http://...
Aditya Shah's user avatar
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4 answers

Magento 2 token integration error

I can able to get token from with Username & Password. Using this token, I can request product details on
maniramav's user avatar
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creating categories and subcategories using the api catalogCategoryRepositoryV1

I am able to create categories under default category but I am not able to create sub category while creating a new category under default. The body I am passing is { "category": { "parent_id":...
satan's user avatar
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Magento 2 Rest Api customer associated with the email or not?

I am checking the rest api regarding customer has been existed or not with the email. I found an API in the swagger tool i.e POST /V1/customers/isEmailAvailable At Swagger Tool:- At ...
Nagaraju Kasa's user avatar
5 votes
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<parameter name="customerId" force="true"> in customer module webapi.xml

In Magento2 module-customer webapi.xml file, the API GET "/V1/customers/me" has codes below: <route url="/V1/customers/me" method="GET"> <service class="Magento\Customer\Api\...
Key Shang's user avatar
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Guide for API to third party application from inside Magento 2

The important questions i would like to know are: Can I call a CURL from inside a Model or ResourceModel? Is there any standardized way to handle API's to third party apps? Please keep in mind that, ...
Midlaj's user avatar
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How to use dynamic parameter in custom rest api module?

Here is the url I want to to access the custom rest api. How do I define webapi.xml & the method parameters in ...
hkguile's user avatar
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Magento 2 REST Api POST Picture / Media

I am trying to POST to{MYSKU}/media I used several online picture to BASE64 converter to convert to BASE64. The first line looks like ...
Michael Müller's user avatar
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Magento 2 create invoice for igst rest api

I am trying to add IGST and SGST and CGST in invoice rest api , please help me ,in Magento2.
Chala Chalapathi's user avatar
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How to implement MSI (multi-source inventory) in Magento2.2.3 project?

Problem: I need to implement Global inventory management in magento 2.2.3. so that inventory can be synchronize from various sales channel like source(ecommerce marketplace example: amazon,flipkart.. ...
lalit mohan's user avatar
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SOLVED - Api token request Curl returns NULL

I am trying to get a token from my Magento 2 API, my script returns NULL, the call is working fine in Postman and generating a token : $adminUrl='
Ismail Berlin's user avatar
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Magento 2 add customer address attribute to REST APIs response?

I have created customer address attribute "city_id" with setup script. I am able to save the value. but want to display the city_id field to the below apis json response. how we can we add city_id in ...
Nagaraju Kasa's user avatar
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Overwrite magento 2 default customer rest api

I use magento 2 rest /V1/customers/me it get response like this { "id": 2, "group_id": 1, "default_billing": "2", "default_shipping": "2", "created_at": "2018-03-30 07:53:13", ...
mohan's user avatar
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Partial Shipment

Using the Rest API of Magento we can create the full shipment but if I am trying to create partial shipment then it will create fully shipment.
j.boe's user avatar
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Magento 2 REST API Add product to cart with custom option type file

I'm trying to add a product to cart using the REST API. I'm using a custom option to add an image, but it doesn't seem to work. This is my json object that I'm sending. The option 7819 which is text ...
Omitri's user avatar
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Magento2 how to apply layered navigation filters at REST API Level?

I would like to implement below REST API in magento 2 "How to retrieve which layered navigation filters are applied as like in the product list page?" Can you please suggest me how we can ...
Nagaraju Kasa's user avatar
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Using Magento 2 Swagger with MAMP

I want to try and use Swagger on a local development env running on MAMP, but i'm running into issues with the base url of my dev site. The UI is generated fine when i hit
circlesix's user avatar
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Magento 2.2 - Cannot update attribute values

I've created some custom product attributes with REST API, correctly populated them and assigned values to products. Everything works fine in dev environment whereas I got difficulties in staging ...
sissy's user avatar
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How can I get the HEX code in Visual Swatch via Rest API

Could anyone help me to find the rest api to get hex or image of visual swatch attribute? I need the api to return the following, Label Value HEX or Image of the swatch. Thanks
Medomage's user avatar
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Knowing "simple" products are related via REST API

I am doing a search via the REST API, looking for products with a certain color and a certain name:[filter_groups][0][filters][0][field]=...
John Farrelly's user avatar
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Can i get all customers, along with their address information, using the REST api?

I'm using Magento version 1.9, and i'm trying to get all my customers, via the REST API. That is working fine. But i also need the phone number for each customer, and then have to make a seperate ...
Talkar's user avatar
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Magento 2.2 Creating Configurable Product With API

I want to create configurable product and its related simple products at the same time via API. For example: shoes; with different sizes(attribute=shoesize).. as like: Prada's new shoe (...
stackiii's user avatar
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Rest api for my orders

Where can i find the rest api for my orders and my downloadable products in magento2. I can't find the list in the swagger file. eg: GET /orders/me GET /downloadableproducts/me Or how can i filter ...
stackdisplay's user avatar
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Search all products with attributes color & size REST API : Magento 2

How can I filter and get all products which has specific color or size REST API ?
Jsparo30's user avatar
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Adding custom options in to cart through API in magento2.1

I have custom options like 'booking_from' and 'booking_till' in my custom module, everything works in the backend is fine. But how can I add those options in a cart through REST API in magento2.1.7? ...
N.ameen's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Cannot Use REST API

I tried to use Magento rest api using oauth signature or token-based, but it's a nightmare. I followed this guide:
Andrea's user avatar
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Check products in cart if they are out of stock before place order REST API : Magento 2

I am building mobile application using Magento 2, I had an old defined cart which had a product and when checking out it gives an error saying the item is out of stock, that happened after payment and ...
Jsparo30's user avatar
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I've found lots of questions and answers on REST API vs SOAP API. Some of them like this one mention JSON. Could you explain what is the difference between REST API vs JSON. (aka create custom ...
MployBy's user avatar
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Does the REST API still accept XML?

quick broad question. Does the REST API in Magento 2 still accept XML input? According to the introduction, it does. But further on in the documentation, there is no mention. I have been able to ...
Erik Ros's user avatar
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Estimate shipping methods by address id Error REST API : Magento 2

I am trying to call this magento 2 built in API : POST In Body : {"addressId": 194} But I got this error: { "...
Jsparo30's user avatar
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magento 2 override Magento\Sales\Model\Order.php get method for REST api

magento 2 override Magento\Sales\Model\Order.php get method for REST api to add some details. i am getting an error in di compile Fatal Error: 'Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Custom\\Sales\...
Nagendra Kodi's user avatar
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Rest API issue in cart : multiple store only shows default store's price of a product in cart for both store in magento2.1.7

In my multi store Using here same magento2 default API calls to POST and GET cart items, However am getting only default price of a product for both english and arabic store.ALL other product up to ...
N.ameen's user avatar
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Create order with REST API, without cart

I'm using REST API with token authentication to export data from a M1 to a fresh installation of M2.2.0 installation. Everything works fine with customers and products, but I cannot manage to ...
sissy's user avatar
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Associating two related models

So I'm creating a plugin wherein a customer can have grocery lists. I have two created models - GroceryList and GroceryListItem. A grocery list contains one or many grocery list items. I can fetch ...
carloditan's user avatar
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Adding custom column data to extension attribute in magento's default V1/orders API

I have a custom delivery_date column in quote table which I want to pass to V1/orders , I have passed this in extension_attribute.xml as following ; <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="...
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
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Magento APIs mapping to Mobile Per Screen API Request

I'm leading an API team on Magento 2.2 in supporting a mobile development team. The mobile team is asking for APIs to be developed that support an "API per Page" type of architecture where they are ...
Beaux's user avatar
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