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How to prevent paypal auto changing order status from processing to complete magento 1

noticed that the paypal standard module automatically transfers orders to the status of complete. How to prevent him from doing this? it does not work correctly, since the status complete means that ...
Alice's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2.3.3 showing Pending Payment status after successful order complete

I have configured Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution in magento 2.3.3 for paypal and card payment methods. When placing an order using paypal, once the order is successful, order status changing to ...
user78358's user avatar
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Paypal randomly marking some orders as complete

A client of mine on Magento is experiencing an issue with Paypal randomly marking some orders as complete in the back end and invoices are blank so have to be prepared manually. We've just ...
Jonathan Davies's user avatar
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Orders going to cancelled if payment not made

We have a web-store that was previously using sage-pay to handle customer transactions, however after multiple issues with the service we decided to another option for PayPal Pro that is built into ...
vmp's user avatar
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Wrong Order ID - PayPal IPN Exception Magento 2

I keep getting the following email from PayPal: Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). Instant Payment Notifications sent to the following URL(s) are ...
zcoyne's user avatar
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Set new order (especially PayPal Express Checkout) to 'pending'

I am using Magento 2.2. Usually all my orders are set to "Pending" except for "PayPal Express Checkout": These orders are set to "Processing". Now I want to have new Paypal Express Checkout orders to ...
Chris Ha's user avatar
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Magento 2 getAllStatusHistory() after Paypal Express payment

Im trying to get the Status history from order (after placing the order) with $order->getAllStatusHistory(), while in checkout, paying with credit card, I manage to retrieve the Status history of the ...
Shay Zalman's user avatar
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Magento PayPal Standard orders don't update

I have my shop online for testing now and I can't figure out why magento doesn't update the order status when a paypal payment has been made. I'm using Paypal Website Payments Standard in Sandbox mode,...
user1563232's user avatar
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Magento order status updated to “Processing” even when PayPal payment fails

I have an issue with Magento 1.9 and PayPal payment method. When a customer pays with PayPal and there is a payment review the order in such cases order status would be set to "Payment Review" that is ...
Jayesh Patel's user avatar
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How to set Paypal Website Standard New Order Status as Complete instead of Processing?

I have a problem with my new order status when using Paypal website payment standard. When payment is complete with PayPal, it sets the order status to processing while I want it to be complete. The ...
Boliang Chai's user avatar
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How to change order state after paypal payment?

Using standard paypal payments, after a paypal payment is made, orders are set to "processing" (Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PROCESSING). I need to set a different state/status, as follows: $order-&...
Jon Surrell's user avatar
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Set new order paid via PayPal Express to 'Pending'

We dispatch our goods using a 3rd party fulfillment company and have a sales order export module which fires over all orders with the status of Processing. We currently accept card payments with a ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Order status and confirmation email problem

Recently I found out that my customers did not receive the automatic confirmation email from my store after they place the order and made payment through Paypal. I need to manually send the ...
sc364's user avatar
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Get PayPal Payer Status(verified/unverified)

If you look at the "Payment Information" Tab of an order, you can see some details if it was paid with paypal like the "Payer Status"(Is the paypal verified?) or the email of the PayPal Account. I'd ...
Tearsdontfalls's user avatar
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Programmatically change order status if transaction is successful

I am using Website Payments Pro Payflow Edition for my store and wanted to know if there is a way to automatically change the order status from Processing to Ready to ship if the transaction it ...
user1704524's user avatar
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PayPal Ipn model and automatically order state changes

First of all i will explain you about the actuall functionality: Customer buys in shop via PayPal Shop operators call the order from an external software (WaWi; don't know in en) and the software ...
Florin P.'s user avatar
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PayPal IPN not triggering Order Status updates

I'm setting up my first Magento system, using, running on a HostGator Windows server. I've configured IPN on our PayPal account. However, the payments never get communicated to Magento, and ...
Beofett's user avatar
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Paypal Standard Order Status Shows Pending Payment

I have upgraded Magento from ver 1.4 to I have placed order successfully from Paypal Standard but order status still show Pending Payment. I am facing the following issues: Order status ...
Pankaj Pareek's user avatar
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How to change the default order status of Paypal transactions

When a customer places an order using Paypal the order status becomes processing. I want it to be pending. I tried to change the default order status in app/Core/code/Mage/Paypal/etc/config.xml <...
Zeedia's user avatar
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Process to create partial credit memo/refund for Paypal Standard orders

I see a number of issues reported that if an administrator sends a partial refund to a customer via Paypal then Magento receives an IPN that causes the whole order to be marked as Refunded (e.g. https:...
Jonathan Day's user avatar