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Custom Magento module config.xml not loading after applying security patch

I've just applied the security patches on Magento 1.9 and after that, my custom modules didn't work. I tried clearing the cache and index but nothing happened. When I tried visiting the URL of my ...
nosnevetzy's user avatar
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Magento Module not loading. Codepool local [closed]

I am trying to make a module to hide product types when tryng to create a new product. I have created the files as follows: app\etc\modules\Grando_Producttype.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <...
Gabriel G's user avatar
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Fetch details from catalog_product_flat_1 table

In catalog_product_flat_1 table, we created a custom column custom_uid & saving customer ids Assume below image is the catalog_product_flat_1 table. You can see the columns contain Product name ...
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2 answers

One Image uploading instead of two for Programtically created Product

Once we click on button present in Product view page, we are doing 2 things : Creating 2 images in folder media/custom_product_preview/quote/ Creating new Product Programtically & uploading those ...
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Redirect to url of Programatically created Product

once we click on button in product view page, we are creating New Product Programatically & displaying pop up with message : "new product created" Instead of displaying pop up , i need to ...
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Resolved - View Particular Product From the Grid

I have developed a custom module with a grid. Also added a column named "View Product" to be able to navigate to the current product page. With my current solution all "view" links redirect to ...
bestwebdevs's user avatar
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update Programtically created Product

We have 2 buttons in Product view page, after we click on 1st button, we creating Product Programtaically. once click on 2nd button [ after entering email, password] we are assigning that product to ...
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create product after user loggedin

We have 2 buttons in Product view page, after we click on 1st button, we are creating Product Programtaically. once click on 2nd button [ after entering email, password] we are assigning the product ...
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2 answers

Adding Product Backend URLs on the Custom Grid

I have a custom grid, where I need to add links to Product Edit pages on back-end. I was able to get product front-end URLs using a renderer, but can't get the product links on back-end. I have ...
bestwebdevs's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento : Replace Discontinued Product with New Product

I making observer, that detects when someone reorders a discontinued product and should replace that product with a new product. My question is: How do I retrieve a product object with a specific ...
sazr's user avatar
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Magento error when creating a product programmatically

I am creating an admin module where the user import's a .xls file in magento, then the .xls file can be executed and the data inside has to be imported into the products table. This is the error I ...
Radu Dascălu's user avatar
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catalog_product_collection_load_after causing maximum nesting issue for configurable products

i have written modules that changes price of all products on product details page, including related showing on bottom . what modules does here i am passing some product id in get parameter and ...
mdeveloper's user avatar
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4 answers

Overriding Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type

I am trying to override a model file. The file location is: core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Type.php I am trying to show only simple products when creating a new product but it is not working. ...
Arul James's user avatar
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Group simple product with fixed price, without qty and user selection option

Is it possible to combined together simple product with fixed price, without qty and user selection option, Custom Option?? Wanted to have feature like grouped product but without user interaction to ...
user3136050's user avatar
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Change "add to cart" button depending on customer group and attribute [closed]

A while ago, I asked this question and the code is working fine. I can change the "add to cart" button depending on the value of a yes/no attribute. What I'm trying to achieve now is to create an if/...
VDD's user avatar
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