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0 votes
3 answers

Magento 2: RuntimeException it is being used by another process

When I do clear cache using command line & refresh page on Frontend 1st time it gives below exception. 1 exception(s): Exception #0 (RuntimeException): The path "D:/wamp/www/magento2/var/...
1 vote
0 answers

Magento 2.4 How to implement BfCache

I want to implement BFCache into Magento but did not find the proper resources for implementing it using a custom module. BFCache Reference link : Can anyone guide me ...
10 votes
2 answers

Magento 2: how to create your own custom cache type?

In Magento 1, it was possible to create your own cache type by declaring the following in your config.xml: <global> <cache> <types> <custom translate="...
3 votes
3 answers

Is it necessary to disable the cache before creating a module?

I am newbie to Magento. I'm learning to create my first module but I'm confused whether it's necessary to disable the cache or not. If yes, please tell me how? Thanks,
0 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 : Module is disabled, shows in disabled list, but the functionality in admin remains

I have a module that I disabled that adds background patterns to individual product pages. We want to remove the functionality. So I ran the CLI command to disable the module. I listed the modules in ...
0 votes
1 answer

magento cli not working for any command and gives a long error

i have magento 2.2.3 . for deleting cache or enabling modules or any other usage of magento cli i take one error . it begins with this phrase Unknown package has no name defined and it is continuing ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to remove cache from my Block class?

I need to remove the cache from my Block class, even if it removes the cache from the entire page. How could I do it?
0 votes
2 answers

Installed module not visible in admin - Magento 2.3.2

I've installed a module and while the CLI says that the module is installed, the schema in the db has been created and the module has a record in setup_module it doesn't show up in the admin. When ...
0 votes
1 answer

Database Changes Don't Reflect in Frontend

I have a module that allows the user (so far) to add and remove a bike from their garage. I built my controllers (triggered via an AJAX call) and they seem to work alright. The only problem is, ...
1 vote
1 answer

What to do after editing a module that was already on? nothing/remove cache/reindex etc (Magento 2.1)

Say I've made a module and it's enabled. Now I change something of the module, for example edit the text in a view or add a block. Should I do something after doing this or not? For example, flushing ...
0 votes
1 answer

Custom Module disappear when cache is on

Help please, I'm really stuck! I have a custom module (ObserverInterface) to construct all my menu. When de Cache is on, you can see this module only in few pages.
5 votes
1 answer

Using Magento 2 custom cache in custom module

@Rakesh explains how to add custom cache in Magento 2 here. My question is how to actually work with my custom cache in Magento 2? In Magento 1 you would do something like: $cacheId = 'example_id'; ...