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Questions tagged [magento2-3-3]

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Magento 2.3.6: Order email is sending but Customer Account create/forgot password email not sending?

We have checked order email is sending proper,when we tried to create new customer or forgot password that time email is not getting. when we have checked in exception.log file we have got the below ...
pankaj parmar's user avatar
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Tax and Excl. Tax is the same when using configurable swatches

I'm using Magento 2.3.5, and have noticed my incl/excl tax prices are the same, but only when clicking a swatch (I assume JS somewhere is at fault, but scratching my head) I've tested disabling all ...
Ricky Odin Matthews's user avatar
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Magento2.3 - Many Magento core modules are disabled when deploying on test sites

I recently upgraded my site from Magento2.2.3 to 2.3.3. As everyone knows, when upgrading, Inventory module will be disabled, but when I checked, many other modules are disabled, even though I use ...
heady9x's user avatar
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Why phpseclib takes time in magento 2.3.3?

Recently we have upgraded Magento 2.2.8 to 2.3.3 and PHP 7.2.11, post that we are facing more performance issues. When we put site in maintenance mode phpseclib related changes keep takes time. ...
seeni's user avatar
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Correct Deployment Steps in a Production server

Recently, we have gone live a website which was built in Magento 2.3.1. After release we did some changes in the code and also added some modules locally. Then the code was pushed to the live server ...
Nithin Mohan's user avatar
4 votes
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Magento 2.3.3 addAttributeToFilter is_saleable attribute no longer supported

After upgrading to Magento 2.3.3 product collections filtering with the is_saleable attribute no longer appears to work and the following error is seen in templates calling the collection : The "...
paj's user avatar
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