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2 answers

Magento 2: how to create your own custom cache type?

In Magento 1, it was possible to create your own cache type by declaring the following in your config.xml: <global> <cache> <types> <custom translate="...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
5 votes
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Using Magento 2 custom cache in custom module

@Rakesh explains how to add custom cache in Magento 2 here. My question is how to actually work with my custom cache in Magento 2? In Magento 1 you would do something like: $cacheId = 'example_id'; ...
Lucio.d's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it necessary to disable the cache before creating a module?

I am newbie to Magento. I'm learning to create my first module but I'm confused whether it's necessary to disable the cache or not. If yes, please tell me how? Thanks,
hgfihif's user avatar
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What to do after editing a module that was already on? nothing/remove cache/reindex etc (Magento 2.1)

Say I've made a module and it's enabled. Now I change something of the module, for example edit the text in a view or add a block. Should I do something after doing this or not? For example, flushing ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Magento 2.4 How to implement BfCache

I want to implement BFCache into Magento but did not find the proper resources for implementing it using a custom module. BFCache Reference link : Can anyone guide me ...
Msquare's user avatar
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How to remove cache from my Block class?

I need to remove the cache from my Block class, even if it removes the cache from the entire page. How could I do it?
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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Installed module not visible in admin - Magento 2.3.2

I've installed a module and while the CLI says that the module is installed, the schema in the db has been created and the module has a record in setup_module it doesn't show up in the admin. When ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Database Changes Don't Reflect in Frontend

I have a module that allows the user (so far) to add and remove a bike from their garage. I built my controllers (triggered via an AJAX call) and they seem to work alright. The only problem is, ...
treyBake's user avatar
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1 answer

magento cli not working for any command and gives a long error

i have magento 2.2.3 . for deleting cache or enabling modules or any other usage of magento cli i take one error . it begins with this phrase Unknown package has no name defined and it is continuing ...
sina Dabbagh's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 : Module is disabled, shows in disabled list, but the functionality in admin remains

I have a module that I disabled that adds background patterns to individual product pages. We want to remove the functionality. So I ran the CLI command to disable the module. I listed the modules in ...
Patrick's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom Module disappear when cache is on

Help please, I'm really stuck! I have a custom module (ObserverInterface) to construct all my menu. When de Cache is on, you can see this module only in few pages.
Slashhh's user avatar
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3 answers

Magento 2: RuntimeException it is being used by another process

When I do clear cache using command line & refresh page on Frontend 1st time it gives below exception. 1 exception(s): Exception #0 (RuntimeException): The path "D:/wamp/www/magento2/var/...
Jackson's user avatar
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