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Add multiple custom tables for for a custom admin module

I have a custom admin mdoule. I need to store the datas of this admin module to 3 different custom tables. I have created admin module with one basic table and successfully stored basic informations ...
Rajeev K Tomy's user avatar
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why delete() function is not deleting the value after filtering the collection in magento?

I am trying to delete a data from the table. I am using this code snippet $categoryModel= Mage::getModel('blog/category') ->getCollection() foreach ($categoryModel as $cat) { ...
Waseem's user avatar
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How can I get the selected value in the multiselect dropdown?

I have a three table in my database, article category and art_cat article has the id,name,status of the article category has id,name,status of the category art_cat has id,art_id and cat_id in the ...
Waseem's user avatar
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How can I get values from a database according to some fieldname?

I have a custom table in my database with three fields ie id a_id and cat_id I have an entry like this in the table. id a_id c_id 2 7 7 3 7 8 4 7 8 5 7 8 6 ...
Waseem's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento Admin grid problem

I have a magento admin grid module and when I am inside the grid on the admin menu it shows me the header and the add item button but it throws this error Fatal error: Call to undefined method ...
lfelisiak's user avatar
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2 answers

completely remove admin module from Magento

Ok, so several times now I've had magento be a utter b**** when it comes to updating my custom modules and it would save me an awful amount of time if i could just remove them completely. Important to ...
Chris Morris's user avatar
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Magento admin not displaying fully after module installation

Ok So I've had some issues with removing modules from Magento recently, so I decided to scrap what i had before and start again with a slight name change to the module. So i created the module, set ...
Chris Morris's user avatar
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How can configure two tables for custom module?

I have a custom module. I am using this module to upload images through admin. I have 6 more form fields in my module. I am currently using one table to store values of these form fields. However as ...
Rajeev K Tomy's user avatar
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1 answer

Internal messaging system for logged in Admin users?

I have been searching for a solution for extending default Magento email functionality in order to send internal messages from Admin user to Admin user. I haven't found any good resources on how to ...
user1704524's user avatar
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Adding a grid/table inside grid in Magento Admin

I'm developing a custom extension for my client. There are two tables which hold the complete data. primary_table id_primary | name | age | image ===========|======|=====|=================== 1 ...
kushpf's user avatar
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