I am trying to display Minicart in header but FPC (Magento Enterprise default FPC) is caching it and Minicart is not updated when I am navigating to category or CMS pages.
<reference name="header">
<block type="checkout/cart_minicart" name="custom_minicart_header" template="checkout/cart/minicartHeader.phtml" />
Then I am calling this block in my header.phtml
echo $this->getChildHtml('custom_minicart_header');
I am using EE header minicart only as I have some design changes so I have created a custom template for minicart. rest all the things are same.
Even when I am switch my store to default rwd theme which has the built in minicart, then also I am getting the same issue and minicart in header is getting cached.
How can I make this block not to being cached by FPC?