I have successfully added a custom tab in customer_edit_tabs
section and is ordered after orders
However when I go to edit customer page, my custom tab is by default set to active instead showing me default active tab (i.e. Customer View).
I have done this so far but no luck-
protected function _prepareLayout()
//get all existing tabs
$this->parent = parent::_prepareLayout();
//add new tab
$this->addTab('relate_order', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('relate_order')->__('Relate Order'),
'content' => $this->getLayout()
->createBlock('relate_order/adminhtml_customer_edit_tabs_relate', 'relate.order')->toHtml(),
'after' => 'orders',
//setting non active not working
'active' => false
return $this->parent;
Even though I have mentioned this new tab to be not active
, it still shows up at first.
Please help.