I can´t find the SOAP/XML-RPC Admin/User creation. Is that already available in EE 1.7.1 or did this come later?

Can I use the SOAP API instead for these things or is this not possible?

I would need it for the Trustpilot Integration.

  • Are you asking how to create a user from system configuration, or programmatically? Commented May 30, 2015 at 14:35
  • I just want to create a user like that but the integration instructions use xml rpc and I can't see that
    – seb
    Commented May 30, 2015 at 14:38
  • Creating admin user / role over SOAP sounds likely to cause some security headaches
    – Nasaralla
    Commented Jun 2, 2015 at 11:41

2 Answers 2

$userapi = Mage::getModel('api/user')
    'username' => '[email protected]',
    'firstname' => 'nikhil',
    'lastname' => 'ravindran',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'api_key' => 'myp@ssw0rd',
    'api_key_confirmation' => 'myp@ssw0rd',
    'is_active' => 1,
    'user_roles' => '',
    'assigned_user_role' => '',
    'role_name' => '',
    'roles' => array(1) // your created custom role
$userapi->setRoleIds(array(1))  // your created custom role

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20014676


I guess you need to create Magento Soap User.

First of all you should create Soap Role. So please go to admin panel System->Web service->Roles (after EE-1.12: System->Web service->SOAP/XML-RPC - Roles) and Add New Role.

Next step go to System->Web service->Users (System->Web service->SOAP/XML-RPC - Users) and create new User. User Name and API key from this step will be used by other applications to connect Magento SOAP API.

  • So only after EE-1.12 the SOAP/XML-RPC Roles exist? Will the SOAP User do the same?
    – seb
    Commented Jun 2, 2015 at 12:12

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