I am writing a custom order handling script for magento CE. If a new order is picked up by the script through cron it should create an invoice and notify the user and send a comment. I use the SOAP api for this purpose. This works when sending an email, but how can I make the comment visible to the user on the frontend? If I manually login to Magento admin, I can add a comment to an order and then check Visible on Frontend. I would like the comments I add with sales_order_invoice.create and sales_order_shipment.create to be visible to the customer in the Frontend the same way. I know that is not possible with default settings in the backend, but I would like to do that. If this is really hard to do, I would at least like the comments added with sales_order.addComment to be visible to the customer on the frontend just as when I manually comment and check Visible on Frontend.

Here is my code for the SOAP proxy:

class magentoProxyHandler{

    protected $proxy;
    protected $session;

    function __construct(){

        $this->proxy = new SoapClient('http://www.magento.nl/index.php/api/soap/?wsdl');
        $this->session = $this->proxy->login('change_order', 'password');

    function __destruct(){



    function addComment($orderId, $status, $comment = '', $notifyCustomer = true){

        $orderId = ($orderId > 100000000 ? $orderId : $orderId + 100000000);
        $notify = $notifyCustomer ? true : false;

        $changeOrder = array('orderIncrementId' => $orderId, 'status' => $status, 'comment'=> $comment, 'notify'=> $notify);

        return $this->proxy->call($this->session, 'sales_order.addComment', $changeOrder);


    function createInvoice($orderId, $status, $comment = 'Invoice ready', $notifyCustomer = true){

        $orderId = ($orderId > 100000000 ? $orderId : $orderId + 100000000);
        $notify = $notifyCustomer ? true : false;
        return $this->proxy->call($this->session, 'sales_order_invoice.create', array($orderId, array(), $comment, true, true));


    function shipOrder($orderId, $status, $comment = 'Order shipped', $notifyCustomer = true){

        $orderId = ($orderId > 100000000 ? $orderId : $orderId + 100000000);
        $notify = $notifyCustomer ? true : false;
        return $this->proxy->call($this->session, 'sales_order_shipment.create', array($orderId, array(), $comment, true, true));


} //end of class

I know I can do some little improvements to this code, this was simply for testing the the soap API.

I also asked this question in stackoverflow. I hope thats OK. If It get answered there, I'll post the answer here. Hope you guys can help me. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Ok , I found out this flag has to be set in database: is_visible_on_front . Is there anyway to pass this through the SOAP api? Of course I tried adding it to the call, as well as isVisibleOnFront but it doesn't work...

1 Answer 1


OK I found out how to do it, had to change a little code:

  1. I coppied /app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Api.php to /app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Api.php
  2. I changed the method addComment:

    public function addComment($orderIncrementId, $status, $comment = '', $notify = false, $showOnFront = true)
        $order = $this->_initOrder($orderIncrementId);
        $historyItem = $order->addStatusHistoryComment($comment, $status);
        try {
            if ($notify && $comment) {
                $oldStore = Mage::getDesign()->getStore();
                $oldArea = Mage::getDesign()->getArea();
            $order->sendOrderUpdateEmail($notify, $comment);
            if ($notify && $comment) {
        } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
            $this->_fault('status_not_changed', $e->getMessage());
        return true;
  3. And then in my class:

    function addComment($orderId, $status, $comment = '', $notifyCustomer = true, $showOnFront = true){
        $orderId = ($orderId > 100000000 ? $orderId : $orderId + 100000000);
        $notify = $notifyCustomer ? true : false;
        $changeOrder = array('orderIncrementId' => $orderId, 'status' => $status, 'comment'=> $comment, 'notify'=> $notify, 'showOnFront' =>  $showOnFront);
        return $this->proxy->call($this->session, 'sales_order.addComment', $changeOrder);

Works like a charm! From what I've seen I can do the same thing in the shipment and invoice api files.

  • 1
    So, first of all: You copied the whole class to app/code/local for changing two lines. That's not very update-friendly. A rewrite with only the needed functin included would me more transparent. Second, you did not make comments about the changes in the file so I looked it up: you added one parameter $showOnFront = true and added the line $historyItem->setIsVisibleOnFront($showOnFront); Commented Aug 1, 2014 at 21:20
  • Thanks for your comment. Yes indeed I did. How would you suggest I rewrite only that method? I don't know how to do that... Regarding the changes I made, I guess I should have just stated which lines to change. I'll remember that for next time.
    – 076
    Commented Aug 3, 2014 at 13:09
  • 1
    You can just make a new class that inherits the old one, then only change the method(s) you need to. This link may help: inchoo.net/magento/… Or, search around for "magento overriding classes", there are other tutorials and articles out there.
    – Mike
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 13:55

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