This is how I've done it right now.
Overriding CMS template filter
The CMS Helper contains two methods called getPageTemplateProcessor()
and getBlockTemplateProcessor()
which will do Mage::getModel(...)
with input of the configured model name from the config respectively at global/cms/page/tempate_filter
and global/cms/block/tempate_filter
So add this to your module's config.xml
to replace the original values of widget/template_filter
(set in app/code/core/Mage/Widget/etc/config.xml
<!-- ... -->
- notice the node name
is missing the 'l' in 'template' which is a typo in Magento core
- This is a form of rewrite. The last loaded module will do this rewrite effectively, therefore also it would be good practice to make your module
on <Mage_Widget />
Custom template filter model with 'cdnmedia' directive
And the model:
class MyModule_Cdn_Model_Template_Filter extends Mage_Widget_Model_Template_Filter
* CDN media URL filter
* @param array $construction
* @return string
public function cdnmediaDirective($construction)
$params = $this->_getIncludeParameters($construction[2]);
if (!isset($params['url']) || '' == trim($params['url'])) {
return '';
$secure = null;
if (isset($params['secure'])) {
$secure = in_array($params['secure'], array('1', 'true', 'on', 'yes'));
return Mage::helper('mymodule_cdn')->getUrl($params['url'], $secure);
Rendering the actual URL
The question is how to add the directive, not the actual URL creation, but for completeness, here's the 'mymodule_cdn' helper getUrl()
* Get CDN URL for path
* @param string $path
* @param null|boolean $secure
* @return string
public function getUrl($path = '', $secure = null)
if ($secure === null) {
$secure = intval(Mage::getStoreConfig('mymodule_cdn/default/is_secure')) > 0;
return rtrim(($secure === true
? Mage::getStoreConfig('mymodule_cdn/secure/base_url')
: Mage::getStoreConfig('mymodule_cdn/unsecure/base_url')
), '/')
. '/' . ltrim($path, '/');
You can use the {{cdnmedia}}
directive now in your CMS pages and static blocks:
<img src="{{cdnmedia url="images/picture.jpg" secure="true"}}" />
<!-- will render: -->
<img src="" />
And because of the use of a helper building the actual URL, you can use this in phtml templates:
<img src="<?php echo Mage::helper('mymodule_cdn')->getUrl('images/picture.jpg', true); ?>" />
<?php /* will render: */ ?>
<img src="" />
Used this article as reference: