i want to get bundled product id made using product ids.
suppose there is bundled product A made using product B and product c
i want to get product A , given ids of Product B and C.
How can i proceed
You can use the Mage_Bundle_Model_Product_Type::getParentIdsByChild
method for each of the products B and C and then check the intersection.
Let's say that B id is $idB and C id is $idC.
$typeInstance = Mage::getSingleton('bundle/product_type');
$bParents = $typeInstance->getParentIdsByChild($idB);
$cParents = $typeInstance->getParentIdsByChild($idC);
$intersection = array_intersect($bParents, $cParents);
All the ids in the $intersection
array represent bundle products that have as child products both B and C.