I get the errors while customers add.

err: Something went wrong with processing the default view and we have restored the filter to its original state

solution: TRUNCATE ui_bookmark; ? is the right solutions?

it'll be delete all users or only null values.

i've several users. if I mess, it's totally makes huge headache..

2 Answers 2


The UI Bookmark mainly stores User-Specific Configurations, Saves States or sessions, Bookmarks or favorite items, custom filters, or searches.

When you truncate data from this ui_bookmark table it restores the default settings.

As you are concerned about your users, you can safely truncate the table using the criteria below.

  1. Identify your namespace (there is a column namespace in ui_bookmark, for eg. customer_listing)

  2. Identify the user in the field user_id

  3. Now you have a namespace and user_id, add a condition in your delete query so that it deletes data for the user for which you are facing the issue.

For example,

DELETE FROM ui_bookmark WHERE namespace = 'customer_listing' AND user_id = 2;



The ui_bookmark table stores the filter you apply in admin for entities such as product,customer etc admin user wise..

you can fire a sql to delete for specific admin user..the sql would be DELETE FROM ui_bookmark WHERE user_id = 1;

//Assuming you want to delete it for user with id =1....

you can find user id for your user in table admin_user and column user_id..

Hope it helps..do let me know if any other help needed

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