I need to create a condition which applies a 10% discount on a particular sku, when it has a quantity equal or greater than 3.

How can I achieve this in the Magento admin cart rules section ?

1 Answer 1


To add specific condition on a special item, you should use the conditions under the "Actions" dropdown.

  • For the rule action, select "Percent of product price discount"
  • For the discount amount, enter "10" for a 10% discount
  • In the conditions applied to the cart items, do the following :
    • If ALL of there conditions are TRUE
      • SKU is 12345 (enter your SKU here instead)
      • Quantity in cart equals or greater than 3

You should end up with a something like this : enter image description here

  • but purchase with other product multiple cart rule apply, i want to apply one cart only this sku Commented Jun 8, 2023 at 12:41
  • I'm not sure to understand. This condition will only be applied on the specific SKU. Do you need to have a 10% on the whole cart when you have at least the 12345 product 3 times ? Or do you need to be able to add multiple cart rules to the same cart ?
    – Cladiuss
    Commented Jun 8, 2023 at 13:20

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