How to get custom attribute value in magento2

  • custom attribute of customer or product? Commented Aug 30, 2022 at 9:31

1 Answer 1


First you need to search his id and his backend_type with this query:

select a.attribute_id, a.attribute_code, a.backend_type 
from eav_attribute as a
inner join eav_entity_type as e on (a.entity_type_id = e.entity_type_id)
where e.entity_type_code = 'catalog_product';

The entity_type_code field can be 'catalog_product' for product attributes, 'customer' for customer attributes or 'customer_address' for customer address attributes.

The query will return a set of all attributes linked to a product in magento (default and custom attributes):

| attribute_id | attribute_code                 | backend_type |
|          429 | allow_message                  | int          |
|          399 | allow_open_amount              | int          |
|          578 | brand                          | int          |
|          590 | bundle_price                   | varchar      |
|          581 | bundle_qta                     | varchar      |
|          593 | categoria                      | int          |

After you found the attribute_id and the backend_type of your attribute you can select his values in on of the catalog_product_entity tables (depends on the backend type of your attribute).

sql table                       | backend type
catalog_product_entity_int      | int 
catalog_product_entity_varchar  | varchar 
catalog_product_entity_decimal  | decimal

For example if your attribute has the is 578 and the backend_type of int, you execute a query like this one:

select * from catalog_product_entity_int where attribute_id = 578

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