I'm facing an issue with Magento 2.4.x, the website is hosted on managed magento server. I'm facing issues with reindex even after reindexing all of the manufacturers are not listing on the front-end, we are using Amasty Improved layered navigation - Brands for the Brand Management. The same issue is faced on the category listing pages.
I already tried restarting elastic-search but it did not fix the issue.
Tried reindex and flush cache
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento "cache:clean"
php bin/magento cache:flush;redis-cli -h redis flushall;
/usr/share/stratus/cli cache.all.clear
/usr/share/stratus/cli autoscaling.reinit
We have 2 inventory sources (default & abc) and we have assigned products to the source abc. If we enable the configuration to display out of stock products the category and brand listing are working perfect. But if we do not allow Display Out of Stock products, the listings are not working.
If anybody have a solution for this issue. Please let me know.
Best Regards