Using Create new customer using CLI like admin approved method as a base I have been pulling my hair out on how to extend it so I can also add an address to the created user via CLI. any assistance is appreciated.
1 Answer
After a bit of time. customer.php
class Customer extends AbstractHelper
const KEY_EMAIL = 'customer-email';
const KEY_FIRSTNAME = 'customer-firstname';
const KEY_LASTNAME = 'customer-lastname';
const KEY_PASSWORD = 'customer-password';
const KEY_WEBSITE = 'website';
const KEY_SENDEMAIL = 'send-email';
const KEY_CITY = 'city';
const KEY_TELEPHONE = 'telephone';
const KEY_STREET = 'street';
const KEY_POSTCODE = 'postcode';
const KEY_REGION = 'region';
EmailNotificationInterface $emailNotificationInterface,
AddressInterfaceFactory $dataAddressFactory,
AddressRepositoryInterface $addressRepository,
CollectionFactory $collectionFactory,
\Magento\Customer\Model\Customer $customer
$this->dataAddressFactory = $dataAddressFactory;
$this->addressRepository = $addressRepository;
$this->collectionFactory = $collectionFactory;
$this->customer = $customer;
$city = $this->data->getOption(self::KEY_CITY);
$telephone = $this->data->getOption(self::KEY_TELEPHONE);
$street = $this->data->getOption(self::KEY_STREET);
$postcode = $this->data->getOption(self::KEY_POSTCODE);
$region = $this->data->getOption(self::KEY_REGION);
public function saveAddress($customerId, $firstname, $lastname, $street_1, $city, $postcode, $telephone, $region)
try {
$address = $this->dataAddressFactory->create();
$street[] = $street_1;
$regionData = $this->getRegionCode($region);
$this->exception = false;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->exception = $e;
return false;
basically details what is required. Hope this helps someone else out.