How do I upgrade my site Magento version to

Please give me suggestion how can I do this I take all backup file in an old version in site so how can I upgrade through a command line or manually give me suggestions fast.

Thanks in Advance

1 Answer 1


Magento to Version Upgrade Commands.

follow command.

1) First Go to Disable Cache & Compiler using Command.

-> Go to Shell Folder and run the command

Command --> php -f compiler.php clear

Command --> php -f compiler.php disable

2) touch maintenance.flag

3) rm -rf var/cache/ var/session/

4) php -f shell/compiler.php -- state && php -f shell/compiler.php -- disable

5) chmod -R 777 .

6) chmod 550 ./mage

7) ./mage mage-setup . After this command, if you getting error Like "channel communication already exists" then run below command

8) ./mage channel-delete community

9) ./mage config-set preferred_state stable

10) ./mage sync

11) ./mage install https://connect20.magentocommerce.com/community Mage_All_Latest --force

12) ./mage list-installed

13) ./mage list-upgrades

14) php shell/indexer.php reindexall

15) rm -rf downloader/.cache/ var/cache/

16) rm -rf var/cache/ var/session/

17) php -f shell/compiler.php -- enable

18) chmod -R 777 var media

19) chmod 550 ./mage

20) rm -f maintenance.flag

  • Hi It's working for me ..... Thank you Commented Jan 18, 2020 at 8:48

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