I use Mageplaza SMTP extension to setup the SMTP. When testing the connection, it popped up the follow error. I have already tried some solution online, like trying to modify abstract.php file. There is also an answer saying it maybe caused by shared host, since I am also hosting the website in shared host. But I contacted bluehost, they said my MX is pointing to Google. They won't block anything. Any ideas on this issue? php version: 7.1 Magento 2 version: 2.3.2 enter image description here

4 Answers 4


Reference Link

You need to try this.

open this file : vendor\magento\zendframework1\library\Zend\Mail\Protocol\Abstract.php

arround line no 267.

$this->_socket = @stream_socket_client($remote, $errorNum, $errorStr, self::TIMEOUT_CONNECTION);

comment above line and add this code below that line.

$stream_context = stream_context_create(array(
 'ssl' => array(
  'verify_peer'       => false,
  'verify_peer_name'  => false,
  'allow_self_signed' => true
$this->_socket = stream_socket_client(
  • thank you for the reply. But it is still not working. Do you think it is because of the php version? I am using php 7.1
    – lancwl
    Commented Sep 8, 2019 at 2:46

The issue is fixed by changing the SMTP host to bluehost (host provider). Looks like the site is not using the gmail host which is weird.


Use Magepal Extension & ask me if it is not working.



I think it is related to SMTP host server

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