I have imported my cats and products from Magento 1 into Magento 2. The categories show in the front end but it states that no products can be found. In the admin, the cats show, with their products.
However, on adding a new sub cat, the record appears to save but gets added onto the tree with an empty name. Loading it shows all data is blank. Trying to edit an existing (imported category) also results in the data to become blank. I noticed in the catalog_category_entity table that all the imported cats (which are showing on the front end, albeit without products showing) have an attribute_set_id of 3 but the new ones I am trying to create, or edit, end up with an attribute_set_id of 20.
---- update ---
I have taken a look at the eav_attribute_set table and can see why there is a problem. I just don't know what to do about it yet. All object types have two references, the one from the migration and default. Here are the entries for type 3 (Categories).
attribute_set_id | entity_type_id | attribute_set_name
3 | 3 | Migration_Default
20 | 3 | Default
Any ideas on how to sort this pickle?