I want to take to the exam of the Magento 2 Professional Developer Certification. I am Finding Study Materials for Preparing Exam. Magento Take Fee $260 for Exam and Certificat. I have one Question that they will Provide me any video tutorials or any Special books for Preparing Exam and Easy way to understand the flow and structure of Magento.
I think no.....– Sohel RanaCommented Jul 3, 2019 at 10:15
thank u, but provide me the best tutorials for learning magento faster for certification Exam.– Bhavesh PrajapatiCommented Jul 3, 2019 at 11:26
M2 certification is not a faster thing. You need to more working experience than memorizing.– Sohel RanaCommented Jul 3, 2019 at 11:51
thanks for guiding me but please provide some resource that will very useful for the pass certification exam.– Bhavesh PrajapatiCommented Jul 3, 2019 at 13:04
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1 Answer
The short answer is no.
There are resources out there
For example
I can only reiterate what someone else has said. I'd be wary of this certification. You will gain more by putting together magento builds.