I have use extension https://github.com/EaDesgin/Magento2-City-Dropdown to show city in dropdown but when I enable this extension, city is showing blank in address section of checkout payment page. enter image description here

If I tap on "Place order" button then it shows below error:

Please check the billing address information. city is a required field

2 Answers 2


Please check this file in your theme:


City Should be remove from there, if yes then please add below code:-

<!-- ko text: address().city --><!-- /ko -->

Then File should be look like this:-

<div class="shipping-address-item" data-bind="css: isSelected() ? 'selected-item' : 'not-selected-item'">
    <!-- ko text: address().prefix --><!-- /ko --> <!-- ko text: address().firstname --><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko text: address().lastname --><!-- /ko --> <!-- ko text: address().suffix --><!-- /ko --><br/>
    <!-- ko text: address().street --><!-- /ko --><br/>
    <!-- ko text: address().city --><!-- /ko -->, <!-- ko text: address().region --><!-- /ko --> <!-- ko text: address().postcode --><!-- /ko --><br/>
    <!-- ko text: getCountryName(address().countryId) --><!-- /ko --><br/>
    <!-- ko text: address().telephone --><!-- /ko --><br/>
    <!-- ko foreach: { data: address().customAttributes, as: 'element' } -->
        <!-- ko foreach: { data: Object.keys(element), as: 'attribute' } -->
            <!-- ko text: element[attribute].value --><!-- /ko -->
         <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: (address().isEditable()) -->
    <button type="button"
            class="action edit-address-link"
            data-bind="click: editAddress, visible: address().isEditable()">
        <span data-bind="i18n: 'Edit'"></span>
    <!-- /ko -->
    <button type="button" data-bind="click: selectAddress" class="action action-select-shipping-item">
        <span data-bind="i18n: 'Ship Here'"></span>
  • Thanks for show your interest. I have review default.html file and code ok. Problem is accrue when enable City-Dropdown extension .
    – Shorabh
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 6:05

You need to rewrite and add the following validations to these js files:


if (shippingCityIdValue.length) {
    shippingAddress.city = shippingCityIdValue;



if (this.isAddressSameAsShipping()) {
    newAddress.city = shippingCityIdValue;
} else if (billingAddressCity) {
    newAddress.city = billingAddressCity.text();
} else {
    newAddress.city = shippingCityIdValue;


if (shippingCityIdValue) {
    newAddress.city = shippingCityIdValue;
if (!this.isAddressSameAsShipping() && billingAddressCity && billingAddressCity.text()) {
    newAddress.city = billingAddressCity.text();

It seems that they try to add the city from the form but the values are not present anymore when you already have an address set.


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