Remove Postcode from Checkout
Beacuse the php validation return false, inside class Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address
you will find validate function
First create the di.xml
inisde you extension directly in folder etc YourVendor/YourExtName/etc/di.xml
and fill :
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
<preference for="Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address" type="YourVendor\YourExtName\Model\Quote\Address" />
Now create the class Address inside YourVendor/YourExtName/Model/Qoute/Adress
,php and push :
namespace YourVendor\YourExtName\Model\Quote;
class Address extends \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address
* Validate address attribute values
* @return bool|array
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
public function validate()
$errors = [];
if (!\Zend_Validate::is($this->getFirstname(), 'NotEmpty')) {
$errors[] = __('Please enter the first name.');
if (!\Zend_Validate::is($this->getLastname(), 'NotEmpty')) {
$errors[] = __('Please enter the last name.');
if (!\Zend_Validate::is($this->getStreetLine(1), 'NotEmpty')) {
$errors[] = __('Please enter the street.');
if (!\Zend_Validate::is($this->getCity(), 'NotEmpty')) {
//$errors[] = __('Please enter the city.');
if (!\Zend_Validate::is($this->getTelephone(), 'NotEmpty')) {
$errors[] = __('Please enter the phone number.');
$_havingOptionalZip = $this->_directoryData->getCountriesWithOptionalZip();
if (!in_array(
) && !\Zend_Validate::is(
) {
$errors[] = __('Please enter the zip/postal code.');
if (!\Zend_Validate::is($this->getCountryId(), 'NotEmpty')) {
$errors[] = __('Please enter the country.');
if ($this->getCountryModel()->getRegionCollection()->getSize() && !\Zend_Validate::is(
) && $this->_directoryData->isRegionRequired(
) {
$errors[] = __('Please enter the state/province.');
if (empty($errors) || $this->getShouldIgnoreValidation()) {
return true;
return $errors;
commented the code related to city field
if (!\Zend_Validate::is($this->getCity(), 'NotEmpty')) {
//$errors[] = __('Please enter the city.');
Update :-
Execute This Query in Database :-
SELECT * FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE `attribute_code` LIKE 'city' ORDER BY `attribute_id` DESC
And Check is_requred
is 0 or 1
If 1 Than Change And Try