Can anybody help me to provide the complete process of making my custom module install able and update able using composer.

I am using my custom bit bucket repository to upload my code base of extension.

Please provide complete steps

1 Answer 1


Step 1 : Before commit create tag

        git tag 0.2.1

Step 2: Add and commit and push you're changes

        git add .
        git commit -m "message"
        git push branch

Step 3: Push your tag also

        git push origin <tag>

Step 4 : Create account in https://packagist.org/

Step 5 : Get the packagist token from profile section

Step 6: Go to git repository and settings section webhooks section setup the token key

Please refere this url https://github.com/CurrencyCloud/currencycloud-php/wiki/Publishing-package-to-Packagist

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