I add an image to product's image gallery with this code:

// $filePath: image full path
$mediaArray = array(
    "thumbnail"   => $filePath,
    "small_image" => $filePath,
    "image"       => $filePath,

$product->addImageToMediaGallery($filePath, $mediaArray, true, false);


After this code, the image will be added to gallery but it is unselected. How can I select this image as "base image" (and/or Small Image, Thumbnail)?

1 Answer 1


The $mediaArray parameter must be an array with values any of the image types you want to set. So instead of :

$mediaArray = array(
    "thumbnail"   => $filePath,
    "small_image" => $filePath,
    "image"       => $filePath,

Use this:

$mediaArray = array(

Or any other combination of image attributes you have even an empty array if you don't want to set the image as main image for an attribute.

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