I have a custom module that does only one thing and that is lazy loading images. For the lazy loading part, I'm using jQuery Lazy (http://jquery.eisbehr.de/lazy/)

My Problem: Sometimes the jQuery Lazy loading library is loaded BEFORE jQuery which results in console errors.

Hereunder my code:


var config = {
   map: {
    '*': {
        jqlazy: 'Fks_Custom/js/jquery.lazy.min',
   shim: {
      jqlazy: {
          deps: ['jquery']

Template; lazyload.phtml:


    ], function($) {

        enableThrottle: true,
        throttle: 250



Is there something wrong?

1 Answer 1


You can try this in your .phtml template:


    ], function($) {

        enableThrottle: true,
        throttle: 250


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