Magento 2 I have quote data but order not created transaction completed all done but order not created.So I am trying to create order by using quote data.

Can we convert quote data to order by loading quote id.For all order it is paypal payment?

Can any one tell me better process.

1 Answer 1


Using \Magento\Quote\Api\CartManagementInterface you can call $order = $this->cartManagementInterface->submit($quote);, then you would probably need to manually up the LastRealOrderId by using the checkoutSession $this->checkoutSession ->setLastOrderId($order->getId()) ->setLastRealOrderId($order->getIncrementId());

Hope it helped!

  • Quote already submitted and it stored in to quote tables.I have that quote id can you please explain little bit more
    – Pawankumar
    Commented Apr 9, 2019 at 8:09

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