I am trying to migrate data from M1 to M2 using the data migration tool. I am using version of M1, and 2.3.0 of M2.
I am using this info to clear my M2 database before the migration and have run this query on M1 to avoid duplicate keys:
update eav_attribute_set set
attribute_set_name=concat(attribute_set_name, '_', entity_type_id)
where attribute_set_name = 'Default';
Still, I get this error:
[magento@host m2_root]$ php71 bin/magento migrate:data --reset --auto
100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec
[2019-01-30 08:43:59][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Log Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec
[2019-01-30 08:43:59][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Ratings Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec
[2019-01-30 08:43:59][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec
[2019-01-30 08:43:59][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec
[2019-01-30 08:43:59][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec
[2019-01-30 08:43:59][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec
[2019-01-30 08:43:59][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Inventory Step]: started
[2019-01-30 08:43:59][INFO][mode: data][stage: setup triggers][step: Stage]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec
[2019-01-30 08:44:00][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: EAV Step]: started
42% [============>---------------] Remaining Time: < 1 sec
In ErrorHandler.php line 61:
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/html/m2_root/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step
/Eav/Data.php on line 292
migrate:data [-r|--reset] [-a|--auto] [--] <config>
I searched a lot about this, but no success. Is there perhaps another way to migrate data?